Monday, May 30, 2011

Metrobank Credit Card

Metrobank credit card is one of the Philippines plastic cards that offer perks. Metrobank is actually the abbreviation of Metropolitan Banking Corporation, a bank and a company that offers credit card application, loans like car, financial, business and more.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

BPI Credit Card

(photo credits to First off let me inform you what BPI means. Bank of The Philippine Islands is a bank offering and accepting credit card application in the Philippines. Apart from being one of the established financial institutions in the country, BPI had many other programs on its list of service such as loans from car, housing, business and more.

Now, since what I am after is to discuss about how to apply for the BPI credit card and what the documentary requirements are for applicants, I deemed it necessary to explain first what BPI means. Since basically, what you want to know more about is if you can qualify to apply for your own type of credit card with this company, might as well go on the next stage of our post.

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